Meta tags are HTML tags that provide information about a web page to search engines and website visitors. The tags are placed in the head section of the HTML code for a page, and generally include information such as the page's title, description, and keywords. Some of the more commonly used meta tags include the "title" tag, which provides the title of the page, and the "description" tag, which provides a brief summary of the page's content. The "keywords" tag, which lists a series of keywords that are relevant to the page, is less commonly used these days due to abuse by spammers and non-quality usage.

   Search engines use the information in the meta tags to help them understand the content of a web page, which can help them to index the page more accurately and show it in search results. Website visitors may also see the meta tags information in the preview of the page from the search result.

<title>    This tag provides the title of the page, and it is usually the first thing that appears in the search results, it's important to craft a concise and meaningful title that describes the content of the page.

<meta name="description" content="">    This tag provides a brief summary of the page's content, it's also used as a summary text in search results, so make sure to use it to entice users to click on your result.

<meta name="robots" content="">    This tag is used to control the behavior of search engine crawlers, the most common values are "index, follow" to allow the crawlers to index the page and follow the links on it or "noindex, nofollow" to prevent the page from being indexed and the links to be followed.

<meta name="viewport" content="">    This tag is used to control the display of the web page on mobile devices and is used to set the width and initial scale of the viewport.

<meta name="keywords" content="">    This tag is used to list a series of keywords that are relevant to the page, it's less commonly used today due to abuse by spammers and non-quality usage by SEOs.

   It is important to note that not all meta tags are used by all search engines, and the way that search engines use meta tags can change over time, so it is a good idea to stay up to date on the latest practices and guidelines for using meta tags.

<img>    The image tag is the standard HTML tag that is used to embed images on web pages. It allows you to specify the source of the image, its size, and an alternative text description which is very useful for accessibility.

<meta property="og:image" content="">    Open Graph protocol allows you to specify an image to be used when the content is shared on social media, this will make sure that the image will appear when a user shares the link to the webpage on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

<meta name="twitter:image" content="">    Twitter Cards allows you to specify an image to be used when the content is shared on twitter, similar to Open Graph image tag

<picture>    This tag allows you to specify multiple images for different screen sizes and devices, it's usually used for responsive design and allows you to load the optimal image for a specific device and screen size.

   It's important to note that using meta tags for images is not only beneficial for search engines, but it's also beneficial for accessibility since it will provide additional information for screen readers and other assistive technologies to describe the images to visually impaired users.

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